Pokemon News:

What Does the X and Y in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y Stand For?

Before Pokemon X and Y are released on October 12th, all of the previous Pokemon main series entries had been named after colors. Starting with Red and Blue and going up to Black and White, the game titles reflected colors, an usually a color of a main Pokemon, typically the legendary ones that drove the story. Pokemon X and Y has departed from this trend and its roots may come as a surprise.


In a sit down between Nintendo’s President and Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda and Pokemon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara, the team discussed the background story behind where X and Y are derived.


Masuda stated that X and Y refers to the planes on a graph.  The horizontal axis (X axis) and the vertical axis (Y axis) were used as a way to describe how people around the world think differently and are unique, falling somewhere at points on a graph. At some point though, these points intersect, Masusa went on to explain. It was alaborated that we, as people may think differently, but we all eat the same, sleep the same and live life day after day the same.


Iwata went on and tied this into Pokemon X and Y by stating, “”The theme this time is that even if languages, cultures and mindsets are different, even if the surrounding environment is different, they overlap somewhere.” With the legendary Pokemon resembling X and Y, and being stated to represent axises on a graph that intersect somewhere, does that reveal a point of interest for the plot?


Pokemon X and Y will be the first Pokemon game to have the same worldwide release, and has already been shown that the Kalos region is similar to Paris, France. Perhaps the Pokemon world is larger than it was thought to be before, but something ties everything together like an intersect on a graph.


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